It doesn’t always have to be the guy getting all the blame since even girls are already addicted to this game.

You have seen this happen before. Some couples break off their relationships because one of them got all of his time devoted to a computer game, leaving no time for anything else to do including time with the partner. And no, it doesn’t always have to be the guy getting all the blame since even girls are already addicted to this game.

Couple or game?

The game discussed here is the current trend-setter “Clash of Clans”. It even got featured on the local news magazine “Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho” regarding relationships ruined due to excessive amounts of time spent playing this. Could it really be that addicting? Let’s count the reasons.

- Lost time together

Some guys find it annoying to have a girlfriend that would want to spend all day all night with her. It is a given for some girls to be clingy. But your girlfriend showing up at your place while you play Clash of Clans up until 6:30am? Now that’s time lost not only for you but also for her.

She could have been planning her next day at work or organizing her schedule for the week. But she can’t because she wanted to spend some time with you. She may not have told you when was the last time you even dined out together because she expects you to at least be sensitive to her needs. You’re not a mind reader, I know. But if at the end of the day she returns to your pad from her office at 6pm and you’re still asleep and would only wake up to play Clash of Clans again, maybe it’s time that you draft your own daily schedule too. A schedule that included her. If it’s been going on for weeks and she stuck by you, she could have been a saint.

- Playing instead of going out

It’s a little related to the previous bullet point but a little more detailed. Have you even found time to go out of town and spend time alone without the inconvenience of gadgets? Most vacation getaways get ruined because instead of choosing things to do together as provided on the itinerary, one of them is stuck in a couch playing Clash of Clans on a tablet or smartphone.

It’s a freaking vacation. It’s a time to unwind and forget the stress that work and play can do to our systems meaning less time with gadgets too. How can you enjoy together when one of you is stuck in a tablet playing Clash of Clans? When your partner is more concerned about securing virtual gold, protecting a virtual fortress and commanding a fleet of virtual army, you end up feeling useless as a tangible girlfriend.

- Getting blamed for lost battles
You don’t play Clash of Clans but you end up getting blamed for things you know nothing about. Some gamers can be unreasonable and it’s a given but blaming you for things that you have no control over? What have you done lately? Talk him out to dinner?

And no, it’s never an excuse that gamers are some of the most emotional creatures found today. Instead of taking responsibility for the mistakes that he made on the game, he ends up blaming you. Even if you play Clash of Clans too, finger-pointing is still a no-no. In a nutshell, it’s one of the most immature attitudes that a gamer can take to his game, ruining relationships with everyone else. This is why it is not surprising why some internet cafes end up with smashed keyboards and smashed faces due to fist-fights from virtual games that went too far.

In relationships, when you love each other, love is supposed to bring out the best in you, not the worst in you. If it reaches a point that it’s getting worse and no effort is seen from the gamer to fix the relationship, then it’s time to cool off for the moment.

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