
Do you like to walk fast or run? Both walking fast and running are exercise related to heart. it is better to walk if you have joint problems or problems in the lower parts of the body. Amount of calorie burnt while walking depends on the pace of walk. Slow walking is kind of a light exercise because it helps to burn fat in body with out changing the pace of heart and blood flow.
Another good way to exercise of running. Running makes heart beat faster and also burns more fat as compared to walking. It also helps to melt cholesterol faster but as compared to walking it created more pressure in the muscles and joints.if your body is fit and there are no problems it is better to run than walk.
Walking on it’s own is enough
While running double energy is lost as compared to walking. So, running for half an hour is equal to walking for an hour. Walking or running, both of them help to reduce the risks of hypertension, hypercholesterol, diabetes and heart diseases. Normally it is better to walk than running or jogging. Because there is a constant pace which makes walking easier than running. Walking fast destroys more cholesterol. Lets say your normal pace of walking is 4 km/ hour and transient pace is 5.5 km/ hour. in this condition walking 6 km at same pace is better than running

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