While the 1.9GHz quad-core processor is no longer one of the fastest on the market it still gives the Galaxy S4 plenty of pep. It doesn't matter what you throw at the S4, it will guzzle it down and asked for seconds.

Watching full HD video or intensive 3D gaming is a doddle, and browsing the internet or multi-tasking a breeze. Scrolling through menus is quick and smooth, with the only very occasional stutter occurring when something is updating while you’re trying to open an app at the same time.

Unfortunately there's one issue with the Samsung interface and it's that there is a split-second pause between pressing a icon, to make a call for example, and it actually initiating the process. It's not a deal-breaker but many will find it a little clunkier than stock Android phones or iPhones, which seem to register actions quicker. In addition once you've used it for a while and added a host of apps the S4 does tend to suffer from some inconsistencies such as occasional jittery performance. The Galaxy S4 Android 4.3 roll-out has improved some of these issue, however.

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